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Trevor Sytnick


Music and travel are the two cornerstones of Trevor’s life. Trevor grew up on a farm in Manitoba as an only child, where music caught his attention at the age of three or four. At that time Trevor remembers being strongly influenced by watching musicians Tommy Hunter and Buddy Holly on T.V.  After being mesmerized by footage of Elvis Presley when he was four or five, he knew that performing would be something he chased for the rest of his life. “Music to me is the battle between the hips and the head, between instinct and reason.” 

Trevor taught himself how to play the guitar and sing. He also enjoys writing music. “I only learn enough about music to be able to write my own music.”  As a musician, Trevor has produced two albums along with gigging in Toronto for three years. He has also toured across Canada with his own band, backed others, and has played overseas in the Middle East. 

Since moving to Powell River in August 2022, Trevor has been collaborating with local musicians and is looking forward to playing, working with, and showcasing Powell River musicians through various venues. While living in Flin Flon Manitoba, Trevor hosted over 50 showcases and live streaming events. 

While in his early thirties, Trevor had a “midlife crisis.” He realized he needed to get out of his comfort zone. He decided to contact a friend who was teaching at a school in Kuwait, and within days of finishing his musical tour of Canada, he got on a plane for Kuwait. For the next five years he taught International Baccalaureate English. Kuwait was also where he met his lovely wife, Lisa. Before they knew it, they were travelling extensively to many different countries while on breaks from teaching. Trevor estimates that during their time in the Middle East, they visited 47 different countries. (Check out the map in his room for details of the countries they have visited.) His favourites were Tanzania, Iceland, and Egypt. 

When they returned to Canada, Trevor and Lisa taught in Flin Flon for six years (Go Bombers!) and then on a whim, they decided to come to Powell River so they both took a two-year leave of absence from their teaching jobs and bought a house in Powell River. Luckily for them things worked out as Lisa got a teaching job on Texada while Trevor landed an ELL position at Brooks. Trevor loves teaching at Brooks because he feels it is the best school he has ever worked at. “Students at Brooks have so many opportunities in academics and passions. The staff at Brooks are amazing, so dedicated and they genuinely care greatly about students. Working at Brooks has inspired me to be a better teacher.” Trevor’s suggestion for improving Brooks would be to add a school of modern music or a recording studio. 

His personal motto is: “If you want something done then ask a busy person.”  In five years, Trevor hopes to continue to be involved with the International Program and doing gigs every chance he can. 

Trevor’s advice to students is: “Get out of your comfort zone, you can always go back, but you probably won’t!”  

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