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Trades & Academics Dual Credit


Tanya Larkin                                                                     
Career Pathways Coordinator                                            
(604) 483-3171
MOE Dual Credit

How Can I register for Dual Credit?

Any SD47 student can register for dual credit through Brooks Secondary School, if you are not a SD47 student, then please complete the SD47 Registration Package below and return it to Brooks with "Attn: Tanya Larkin". Once we have your SD47 registration package you can make an appointment to meet with Mrs. Larkin  in order to get more information and register for academic or trades dual credit opportunities:  

Students must be non grads and meet any pre-requisites (often Eng 12 and Math11) in order to be sponsored for dual credit. A student wishing to take dual credit can do so in any of the following ways:

Process for Registering:

  1. Fill out an application (available at Brooks or at the bottom of this page) and submit to the main office at Brooks Secondary School "ATTN: Mrs. Larkin".
  2. There will be an dual credit info night - Feb 22, 2024
  3. Trades only - complete the entrance exam, this is a math based assessment (WP math level 10/11) and is based out of Brooks on April 17th at 1pm in the Brooks library. Please see Mrs. Larkin for a study guide, or see links below.
  4. Students will need to submit their electronic transcripts - see instructions
  5. All VIU programs - Interviews will be conducted by the program instructors with those who have met the criteria noted above, May/June of each school year.
  6. Program acceptance letters go out in June. 


  1. Carpentry:
  2. Culinary:
  3. Automotive and Welding:

**Students must be non grads and meet any pre-requisites (often Eng 12 and Math11) in order to be sponsored for dual credit. A student wishing to take dual credit can do so in any of the following ways:

  1. Trades programs: Automotive, Carpentry, Welding and Professional Cook level 1&2.
  2. Dual Credit academic courses (VIU or NIC): maximum of four and they must be connected to a program/career.
  3. Dual Credit Programs (VIU or NIC): SD47 can sponsor up to 8 months of the program, again student must be a non grad.

What is available? What is Dual Credit? 

PIE student:

If your are a PIE student and are interested in taking dual credit, then check out the Partners In Education

Academic Courses

SD47 Programs

Trades Programs

Trades Sampler

Work Experience Opportunities


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